Daily Routines

How To Turn Diaper Changes Into Language Opportunities
Are you a fan of the show Friends? Well I am a HUGE fan and could watch that show all day every day. There is one particular episode that I have in...
Enhancing Language During Dinner
Ever since I was little, I have LOVED eating dinner with my entire family at the dinner table. There is just something about everyone being busy all...
How To Boost Language On A Walk
With two horses..... I mean dogs.... we go on lots of walks! Next time you head outside for a walk, try one of these activities to incorporate more...
How To Boost Language During Snack Time
Figuring out what your child wants to eat can be very time consuming and frustrating. It's probably even more frustrating for your child, who knows...
How To Boost Language While Brushing Your Teeth
Brushing our teeth is something we all do twice a day (hopefully). Why not practice some language skills during a routine you are already doing?!...
How To Boost Language During Story Time
If you know me, you know I LOVE to read. I truly believe reading should be a fun experience for kids and shouldn't feel like a chore. But how do you...
How To Boost Language While Doing Laundry
Doing laundry is the perfect routine to incorporate some language learning into your day. Option 1: As you fold your laundry, ask your child...