If you are anything like me you’ve been living in survival mode for the last few months. My career and personal life have completely changed due to COVID-19 and it’s been a huge adjustment. I’ve quickly realized that I’ll be working from home a little longer than I expected. And I know you are thinking the same thing. You are trying to figure out how to work from home, be a parent, help your child go to school (all online) all while never leaving the house. If you are reading this, I hope you are able to find some tips to make your life easier as we move into the fall season of a virtual world.
Routines Are Your BFF
Seriously. When you follow a routine life becomes a little easier. For kids, it provides comfort and a sense of safety. It allows them to anticipate what will happen next. You’ll be less likely to hear that dreaded word, “no,” or get a full out tantrum.
Start thinking about what your schedule might look like and plan your weekdays. Make sure you take your child’s age into consideration. If they’re still in preschool, we can’t expect them to sit at a table for hours at a time.
Setting The Scene
Create a space in your home that is used for work, school, therapy, etc. This should be your individual space for those specific tasks. Meaning, the couch in front of the TV might not be the best option. Involve the kids in setting up their space to make it fun and not a place they dread.
Go Over Expectations
The first thing that should be done as you prepare for virtual learning is to go over expectations. March was FULL of chaos and no one knew what was happening. As we go into the fall months, we have a better understanding of what to expect. Go over these expectations with your child. Do they need to sit at the kitchen table? When do they have breaks? Can toys be at the table with them?
Create A Visual Schedule
The next step that I would recommend is to make a visual schedule. A visual schedule allows your child to know what the expectations are and gives them a routine to follow. Include everyone in the family.

Stick With It!
I’m sure a lot of this sounds easier said than done. It might take a few weeks to fully adjust to the new schedule but it will work! And if it doesn’t, figure out what’s not working and make some changes! Habits don’t change overnight, it takes time.
Remember to Breathe
Take time to just breathe. Take some breaks throughout the day. Be silly with your family. Know that you are doing the best you can.
Set Timers
Once you know your schedule, set timers between activities. Each time the timer goes off, take a little brain break. I do this throughout all of my therapy sessions! Typically between activities I will let the kids take a 1-3 minute break to play a game and regroup. Once the timer goes off on my phone it’s time to get back to work!
I would recommend using a visual timer, like this one here. I like these timers for younger children who haven’t learned the concept of time.
Brain Breaks
Here are some fun brain breaks you can include throughout your day.

What do you need help with as the school year starts? I would love to help! Comment below or send a message straight to my inbox!